It has been several month now since I have cleared. I've been doing a lot of thinking, a lot of reading, and then even more thinking. I've been reading a lot of other medical blogs, some from fellow paramedics, some from doctors, some from nurses, and even a few from pharmacists. Theres one main thing I've noticed between us all (besides that your friendly local pharmacists truly can be cynical) is that we seem to hate certain types of patients. This all has made me think...what type of blog do I want this to be? Well I think the answer is that I'm just gonna have fun, I'll make fun of the idiots that reproduce and populate my fair city in large numbers and then talk about the souls that haunt my dreams. I figure that anything in life that happens is fair game to be shared, especially if you are stupid enough to do it and then have to tell the paramedics about it.
In the past few months I must admit there have been a lot of changes. I've changed shifts and changed partners. If had temporary partners who where great and those that I wonder how they get dressed in the morning let alone got their EMT card. My first partner when I cleared was Great! Always helping out and more then willing to learn, fun to talk to and knew where to actually drive to (let alone how to drive). My new partner is...interesting to say the least. New partner (NP from this point, or maybe IP for idiot partner?) is annoying, always getting lost and not knowing the proper protocols. I know it may not seem right to backboard and collar the little old lady who looks like she has no injuries, but she's got dementia and can't tell you if she actually does! Oh and when I press on her back, and you say it's flank pain, you REALLY need to learn your anatomy. Especially if you want to be a paramedic some day. I understand that maybe not everyone knows how to drive on the road, especially if we're running hot with the lights and sirens going WOOOoooo WOOOoooo, but that person driving like an idiot should not be you IP! I should not be clinging to my seat for dear life! Alas, management is aware and other paramedics have had issues as well, including one big blow up and yet you still manage to hold onto your job. Oh well. Some people just need to be shot or made Infertile and you are one of them IP. Well until next time I'll sign off as well. I think starting next month I'll make this blog a more daily (well daily as in nights I work) occurrence.